Gemma Donnelly Improve self confidence and manage stress and anxiety

Upgrade your mindset, master your emotions & transform your life

Hi, I’m Gemma!

I help people conquer stress, anxiety & self-doubt & develop Real Self Confidence so they can create a life they love. 

Trained in NLP, IEMT & Hypnotherapy, my approach combines many disciplines, tailored specifically to meet your needs.

For many years, I have helped many professional men & women master their mindset & develop the resilience, self-belief & self-worth to thrive.

I work online internationally & face to face in Manchester/Cheshire.

I look forward to meeting you soon!







Self Healing and Self development

My story starts in 2014 when I was on the verge of burnout, but determined to climb the ladder, whatever the cost…

In 2014, I found myself at a crossroads. Working within a top international law firm & on the verge of burnout, I began to question why I was so determined to climb the ladder within a toxic environment when it was costing me my personal life & well-being.

On the outside, I was the picture of success. I had achieved everything society expected of me by then, but internally, I was struggling with high-functioning anxiety.

The “Sunday Scaries” plagued me. Under intense pressure, I was constantly worried about making mistakes and felt like I didn’t quite fit in.

When I missed out on a promotion I had worked years for, my confidence hit rock bottom. My anxiety was at an all-time high, and my physical health had suffered. It was a wake-up call that, for the first time, forced me to prioritize my well-being over my career.

...and so my Real Self development journey began!


Gemma Donnelly Career Coach UK Online Career Coach

Gemma Donnelly


I spent the next 6 months changing my job and working on my mindset. I learned how to manage my mind, overcome fears of failure, and let go of limiting beliefs which had been causing me to feel overwhelmed, anxious & doubt myself. This journey re-established my confidence and reset my nervous system, allowing me to thrive personally and professionally.

At 25, I was promoted to build a legal department within a successful construction company, where 90% of the workforce were male. Despite feeling like an imposter at times, I used the strategies I had developed to manage my mind and excel in my role.

Life, however, has its ups and downs. My mum was diagnosed with cancer, and just 12 weeks later, she passed away. This huge loss led me to explore whether the mindset strategies I used for professional success could also help release the impact of trauma.

I began coaching with Veronica, a remarkable coach who helped me let go of grief & shame held on to since childhood.

Coaching transformed my life. Now, instead of being held back by people-pleasing, limiting beliefs & fear, I have the confidence, courage, and resilience to live life true to my authentic self.

Knowing first hand the profound impact self-development had on my own journey, I retrained in NLP, IEMT & Hypnotherapy and created my signature program: The Real You: Confident Edition.

Having coached many people for a number of years now, my mission is to empower people like you to overcome anything holding you back, unlock your full potential & live a life that reflects who you truly are.

My Mission

I am passionate about helping you feel:

·       Confident in accepting all parts of yourself.

·       Resilient in dealing with life’s challenges.

·       Courageous in pursuing what you want!

Let's work together to help you break free from self-doubt, overwhelm & anxiety & develop Real Self Confidence, so you have the freedom to live a life you love.

Contact me today to start your journey towards a more empowered & authentic you.

  • "But the most important thing Gemma helped me with was realising the value within myself. I’m not over exaggerating when I say Gemma changed my life. I now realise my own self-worth"

    I’m so thankful I met Gemma when I did! I was going through a terrible time mentally and I honestly didn’t see a way out of it. Gemma really helped me put my life into perspective, she helped me unload a lot of emotions that I was carrying for such a long time. But the most important thing Gemma helped me with was realising the value within myself. I’m not over exaggerating when I say Gemma changed my life. I now realise my own self-worth and took a plunge and moved to Sydney. I’m a way more confident person and I can think a lot clearer all because of Gemma. I’m extremely grateful we met when we did. Gemma will absolutely change your life if you put your faith in her.


  • Learn how to quieten your busy mind & create inner peace, letting go of overwhelm, anxiety & self-doubt.

    You will learn practical tools and techniques to master your mind, manage your emotions and thrive as your Real Self.

    Equipped with knowledge about your mind, body & Real Self, you will have the mental and emotional resilience to deal with life's challenges the way you want to: Your Real Self.

  • Taking you from where you are now to where you want to be, we shall create a roadmap based upon what matters most to you.

    You will learn more about yourself, what's been holding you back and, most importantly, how to overcome any obstacles.

    You will feel Calm, Confident & Capable, with a clear sense of direction.

  • You will learn how to show compassion for those parts of yourself you may have previously deemed unworthy, incapable or unacceptable.

    Healing any emotional pain & letting go of stories from the past that have held you back, you will feel complete as your Real Self.

    Mastering your mindset, you will let go of any limiting beliefs, habits and traits such as people-pleasing, self-doubt and procrastination.

    Free from anxiety, overwhelm & self-doubt, you have the courage & capability to create the life you want.

  • Unleashing your inner power, you will let go of old stories and beliefs about who you are that have been sabotaging your self-esteem.

    You will overcome any fears, such as failure, rejection or judgment & let go of worries about past events repeating themselves, so these no longer show up as stress, anxiety or self-doubt.

    Confident in who you really are, you will trust yourself & know your worth.

    Feeling Calm, Confident & Capable you will have the freedom to fulfil your potential & create a life that reflects who you really are: The Real You: Confident Edition.

Break free from anxiety, overwhelm and self-doubt

We’re the perfect match if..,

You currently feel stuck & want to learn how to get out of your head, master your mind & manage your emotions

You are ready to break free from anxiety, overwhelm & self-doubt that have the mental & emotional resilience to live the life you want

You want real results as opposed to quick fixes & are ready to rapidly shift the thoughts and feelings that are keeping you stuck

You want to achieve your next level of personal or professional growth, build a romantic connection, or improve your mental & emotional wellness

You want to feel Calm, Confident and Capable so you can create a life that reflects who you truly are: The Real You: Confident Editon

Anxiety Relief & Life Coach Manchester

The Real You: Confident Edition

This is for you if you’re ready to quieten your busy mind, break free from overwhelm, anxiety & self-doubt & feel Confident as your Real Self. Isn’t it time you let go of what’s holding you back?

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Book a Consult Call

This is a free, no obligation, 30 minute friendly chat with myself. This private, informal conversation is merely an opportunity to ask me any questions, consider whether coaching is right for you & whether I am the right coach for you.