Get in touch

Fill out the form below to ask a question or if you are ready to set-up your free 30 minute consultation CLICK HERE. It’s time to put your Real Self first!



  • This journey is for people who have had enough of overwhelm, anxiety and self-confidence holding them back from living life to the fullest and are ready to rapidly shift the thoughts and feelings that are keeping them stuck.

    The first step is to book a free consultation. This is a free, friendly & relaxed chat, online, where you can ask me any questions, get an insight into what coaching is like & consider whether I am the right coach for you.

    In our first session together, we shall create a personalised plan taking you from where you are now to where you want to be.

    Each session shall be a structured and supportive environment facilitating your growth so that you can fulfil your potential without sacrificing everything else of value to you, including your relationships and wellbeing.

    Depending on your goal and the level of support you want, you may be provided with short written activities and audio recordings to listen to in between sessions.

    Using various tools and techniques, you will let go of what's holding you back & you will develop the resilience & confidence to create a life you love, as your Real Self.

    Through thought provoking conversations, active listening and activities, I will support you in developing strategies to conquer anxiety, stress, & self-doubt so you feel empowered with tools and techniques that work.

    I support you to master your mind, manage your emotions and develop Real Self Confidence so you are free to be The Real You: Confident Edition.

    If you want to develop yourself, create results & live life to the fullest, let’s work together.

  • I coach online worldwide, and in person at my home in Cheshire, whichever works best for you.

    Sessions are 60 minutes each.

    Most people commit for 3 months as they want real results as opposed to a quick fix.

    That said, you will feel the impact after your first session.

    The length of our journey together shall depend on your goal & we can discuss what's best for you within your free consultation.

  • This depends on what package/level of support you are looking for.

    We can discuss this in our free consultation.

  • The consultation is a friendly, informal, 30 minute conversation with myself online.

    It's completely private. I will not ask any difficult questions. And you do not have to discuss anything you are not comfortable with.

    It is merely an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about coaching and/or myself.

    In just 30 minutes you will know whether coaching is right for you, and indeed whether I am the right coach for you.

    First step? Book a free 30 minute call with me to see whether we’re a good fit to work together.

  • Yes. Everything is confidential.

  • People who have had enough of overwhelm, anxiety and self-confidence holding them back from living life to the fullest.

Ultimate Wellness Toolkit

Ultimate Wellness Toolkit

At the end of each month, I send out one short email with a few practical tips or a link to my free vlog with techniques to elevate your mindset, increase your confidence and manage your emotions so you feel Calm, Confident & Capable.

You’ll also be the first to find out about any new offerings, workshops and events.