How To Manage Emotions & Improve Your Mental Wellbeing Using Journaling

Our minds can become incredibly busy.

And a busy mind can make it very difficult to relax & enjoy the present without thinking about all the things you should be doing or what may or may not happen in the future.

The inability to switch off can become all consuming, and not only is a busy mind incredibly exhausting, but it also makes it difficult to take time off without feeling guilty.

That pressure from the voice inside your head constantly reminding you of all the things you need to do, should have done or could have done better, it can be very overwhelming and stressful.  

One way to create space between you and your busy mind is to journal.

There are many types of journaling.

My favourite is called Conscious Stream of Thoughts.

This is where you take a blank notebook and write down whatever is in your mind.

All your thoughts and feelings.

This is not a diary nor a piece of writing. You don’t need to read it back. Nor is it for anyone else to read.

Simply, it’s just a way for you to create some space between you and your thoughts.

Think of it like a brain dump…

Dump everything from your mind out on to paper.

It doesn’t need to make sense, form a story or even proper sentences.

Writing is simply a form of release. Mental and emotional.

So put pen to paper and see what impact it has on your mental and emotional wellbeing.

I know you’re busy, so start with just 5 minutes, 3 times per week & let me know how you get on.

Journaling has definitely become a staple part of my self-care routine over the years!

Gemma Donnelly


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